Welcome to our new blog!
We will try to explain our service, how to use it to promote your website, but we also will have some fun and share interesting digital marketing and online tools and experience.
What will Aklamator do for you?
Aklamator is a set of online digital marketing tools that will help any webmaster in many different ways. It enables you to take control over your content! It can help you to:
Retain your visitors using PopUp widget. Every visitor will eventually want to go away and close tab with your website. It would be a very good idea to show them more of your content before they leave, thus effectively reducing bounce rate. In PopUP widget you can choose to show your content in a classic widget, but additionally you can make a campaign that will get user email / subscribe them to newsletter, or promote special page/product.

Retain your visitors with Aklamator PopUp widget
Automate each widget is showing square image and text from your posts. But hey, we do not expect that you should populate them with your content manually. If you have RSS feed on your website, or install WordPress plugin Aklamator will automatically populate widgets for you!
Cross-promote OK, so you have your first widget, how to use it to promote part of your website. Imagine that you have popular forum, but you are starting to write your blog. Just put widget containing blog posts to forum. Or you started your YouTube channel and want to promote it on your blog? Install wordpress plugin Aklamator – Youtube Your Blog or Aklamator – Float Video on your blog and drag and drop widget where you want!
New source of income as we mentioned, widgets are automatically populated with your posts, but in Aklamator dashboard you can always add custom ad (sometimes we call it digital PR media release). This kind of “squares” will have priority. You can enter desired number of clicks (or views) and they will be showing all over your widgets until target is met.
Our widgets have very high CTR (compared to regular banners), so you will be confident to sell advertising space on your web site to your clients (they will get actual clicks and all traffic that you can send to them have UTM codes). On classic widget you can expect CTR around 1% and on PopUp it can go above 10% !
What Aklamator will NOT do?
Aklamator will not push you content or ads from other websites. You have total control over content shown on your widgets!
Aklamator is not traffic exchange service or ad exchange network, but you can make your exchange network.
Make you own ad network
Your creativity is the limit. Feel free to choose any RSS to feed your widget positions. You can use our service to populate your website and make your blog more interesting for visitors thus reducing effective bounce rate.
Our service enables you to track statistics of views and clicks for each widget that you place. Inform your visitors and offer new services to your clients.
You can try for yourself, make free account and take control over your traffic!